Choose Your Hard

“Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.” The Princess Bride I thoroughly enjoy reading because the wisdom you can draw from people who have spent their career studying, learning, experiencing and practicing a topic, theory or thought and then summarizing it down to 200-300 pages you can consume in the … Continue reading Choose Your Hard

When Jesus Died – Resurrection Sunday

“And he made the veil of blue and purple and crimson fabrics and fine linen, and he worked cherubim on it.” 2 Chronicles 3:14 While doing further study on the veil, I came across this verse describing the items used to fashion it together. In a prior devotional, we shared about some of the other … Continue reading When Jesus Died – Resurrection Sunday

When Jesus Died – The Veil Torn

The torn veil in the temple symbolized the removal of barriers between people and God. Before Jesus, only the High Priest had access to the Holy of Holies, but Jesus's sacrifice opened the way for everyone to approach God boldly. We can now enter His presence with confidence and find life, purpose, and love.