When Jesus Died

What. So what. Now what. 

This line of thinking is very beneficial when studying, learning and applying information. This thought process helps take what was just communicated and makes it applicable to our lives, leading us to make a change, improve and grow! 

We just spent the last few days going over the “what” of this story. 4 monumental events taking place when the biggest event in our lives occurred. 

Which brings us to “so what”. What was highlighted these previous days is how these events are not simply things that took place. But meaningful and purposeful to the power, faithfulness and consistency of our God. These 4 events only amplify the works of Jesus because they connect to the overall story of God’s relationship to His creation; His children. 

This leads us to the final thought; “now what”. 

How are these events, learning more about them and allowing ourselves to be moved by them, going to change anything about how we live? 

Information and education is responsibility. Now that we’ve learned something new, and not just information but revelation, we have a responsibility to do something about it. Allowing it to affect the way we think, act and believe. 

Here is how I feel these events move us toward action: 

  1. The Veil: God wanted His people to have access to Him and for Him to access His people via relationship. God is a relational God and desires, and chose, to have a partnership with us. No longer is He only attainable to a select few. He moved heaven and earth so we can be reconciled back to Him and live empowered by His Holy Spirit. Now what: we live in the power and grace of Jesus in relationship with a God who desires relationship with His children. And the “same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead now lives and dwells in us.” (Romans 8:11) We live empowered, no longer bound by our sin and under the grace and mercy provided to us through Jesus. 
  2. The darkness: God is showing us how He is the same God and has always loved His people. Even further, He shows how faithful He truly is. Never has He failed us, He remains a faithful constant in our lives where we can fully rely on and trust in Him. No matter how our current situation looks, we hold on to the hope Jesus expressed on the cross, that He is always faithful and will be present in our lives. 
  3. The earth shook and rocks split: Our God is all powerful and the Creator of everything. The sheer majesty of all of creation should warrant a response of worship. But all too often in life, we get too distracted, complacent or blinded by what’s in front of us to give God the praise and worship He deserves. When God’s creation doesn’t give proper worship to Him, His creation will. Because He is so worthy and holy. If we fail to worship, surely the earth will. This is a profound reminder of our responsibility, and privilege, to give God glory and praise. Anytime, always and in everything! 
  4. The dead are resurrected: God is a winner. Jesus is our champion. There is nothing that will hold down our God because He is a victor, always. Jesus conquering death by resurrecting creates the opportunity for us to walk in that same power. And this event where the dead in Christ are raised further mocks the “powers” of darkness. While darkness may have some power in this world, it simply is no match for God. His power lives in us through Jesus’ work, and we get to walk in that victory in our lives. 

God, through Jesus’ work, is faithful, holy and worthy to be praised, living in us and powerful over all principalities of this world. These events are a reminder of just how amazing He is. Everything Jesus did had a purpose beyond the 33 years He walked this earth. Jesus is the connection between old and new, law and covenant, past and present. 

This Resurrection Sunday, take some time in quiet to allow these marvelous events to further emphasize Jesus’ work. He’s crazy about us and was willing to pay the ultimate price for us, so that we may live free, unbound and empowered by His Spirit.

Go celebrate with your church, worship together and receive the simple message of the Gospel. Gather around the table with family and share of the great works Jesus has done in your life. And most importantly, share this message of hope. When Jesus died, He died for all and as Christian’s, it’s our responsibility to share His message with as many people as possible. It’s a beautiful message of hope, faith, love and being welcomed in and having a place to belong. Go and share!

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